Stickers application for WhatsApp of the famous Dua Lipa ❤️⭐️If you are a fan of the singer Dua Lipa, you will surely love this collection of stickers that we created with a lot of love for you.⭐️ Coming soon more artists like Adele, Billie, Eilish, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, The Beatles, Michael Jackson and more of your favorite singers!✅ Download the sticker packs now and share them with your friends!📌 In case you dont know herDua Lipa was born in London on August 22, 1995, she is a singer, songwriter, model and fashion designer.He began his musical career at the young age of 14, from a young age he liked to make artist covers. At age 19 he released his first single titled “New Love”.Her debut album peaked at number 3 on the UK Albums Chart, with singles such as "Be the One" and "IDGAF".In 2018, during the month of February, she was awarded at the Brit Awards ceremony as the best new artist. The single he performed alongside Calvin Harris reached # 1 in the UK.Again in February, but the following year Dua Lipa was awarded at the Grammy Awards as best new artist.In March 2020, she released her second studio album with her single "Dont Start Now" which ranked No. 2 on the UK Singles Chart and on the Billboard Hot 100.🎁 Application Contents:✅ More than 30 Stickers✅ 4 Packages🔁 Share it on Facebook, you help us a lotRemember to rate the application, we will be uploading more stickers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️